Multi-Location Services

Multi-Location Services

Provided by the NPI National Accounts Department

The National Property Inspections, Inc. National Accounts department offers a centralized coordination service that can help you schedule inspections from a single contact source for multiple properties in various locations. If you elect to use our multi-location services, the NPI corporate office, located in Omaha, NE, will handle communications with our inspectors in the field across the United States and Canada. We’ll also review each individual inspection report for quality and consistency, providing the oversight needed to assure your satisfaction with the inspection process.

Our National Accounts department will also refer you to your nearest NPI inspector for local jobs. Whether you need one inspection or many, NPI can help coordinate scheduling, payment and reporting in one easy step.

Submit the form on this page to contact the NPI National Accounts department.

Ready to Connect?

Our inspection coordinators are here to discuss all of your inspection needs.
Fill out the form below for more information.